
I stumbled across Jason Lytle again on NPR and was happy to discover he is still recording. I haven’t heard his latest album, which came out about a week ago. It reminded me how much I liked my limited exposure to Grandaddy. I don’t think we’ve ever talked about them, but I suspect you have been down this path. In any case, here are two of my favorites. – Alex

This from an old friend I used to trade actual mix tapes with back in the ROIRing nineties. Alex hipped me to Pond, Thin White Rope, Alice Donut, and Jawbreaker. I reciprocated with Can, Guv’ner, Sun City Girls, and Polvo. I need to see if I can dig up any of those cassettes.

We’ve tried to stay in touch over the years. I tried to get him on Spotify so that we could start dropping albums on each other’s avatars. But he’s a no go on Facebook so we’re left to the occasional, casual youtube playlist.

Grandaddy appears to be back on his radar and, I have to admit, I am a neophyte. I shot him some Alasdair Roberts but I think that Mount Eerie would’ve been a better exchange. But it’s not about matching tastes anyway. You say potato I say frittata.

Riddle me this – does anyone know what open tuning this is in?